FEDMA season greetings and ePrivacy latest

FEDMA team would like to thank you for your support and sends you our very best wishes for 2019. For your information, our office is closed from 24th December to 2nd January included.
Early December, the draft ePrivacy Regulation was discussed by Ministers in the Telecommunications Council. The Austrian Presidency prepared a progress report outlining the work done in the past 6 month on this file. The Austrian Presidency did focus on 3 main article of the text: Article 6 on confidentiality of communication; article 8 on confidentiality of devices, also called the cookie article; Article 10 on privacy settings, requesting browsers and other software enabling access to the internet to offer privacy settings to users. Ministers adopted the progress report during the Council meeting, but a vast majority of Member States insisted that the text is not ready for negotiations with the European Parliament yet, as more work is needed to find a right balance in the text, and also with the GDPR at the same time. On the first of January, the file will be transferred to the new Romanian Presidency, who will be tasked to reach a common position of the Council.